An employment agency provides an invaluable service to both job seekers and employers. Since many businesses use the services offered by an employment agency, often times those jobs are only available to job seekers who are using an agency as well. As an added bonus, a lot of times the temporary jobs one might acquire by using an agency turn in to permanent positions.
If you are a business looking to hire, employment agencies can help greatly. They know the strengths, weakness and the work ethic of those they have listed for hire. The agency will be able to give you a number of qualified candidates as they have interviewed and also reviewed resumes of each individual. An employment agency is not only a great way to find the perfect match for a new full time employee, but also for temporary work as well. If an employee will be gone for an extended amount of time, an employment agency can fill that position temporarily with someone qualified. Often times this means little to no training since the agency has done all the background work and knows exactly who would be qualified for the position needing to be filled.
Employment agencies charge a fee to the business using their services. A new employee is then paid by the employment agency. If you are seeking employment and sign up with an agency, you should not expect to pay a fee, and in fact should be wary of an agency that asks you to do so. Most contract workers that are employed by an agency are eligible for benefits that might not be possible otherwise. An employment agency, because of their number of employees, can often times offer insurance and other benefits to all who work under them. Businesses that hire a temporary employee generally cannot offer such benefits.